Inspection Services
We provide a variety of inspections for Personal Lines underwriting, including standard exterior and high value appraisals dwelling reports, as well as a full complement of supplementary reports to suit your needs. And for Commercial Lines, in addition to onsite inspection of commercial structures and establishments, we also perform telephone surveys for manufacturers and contractors. Please click on the links below to get a full listing of our service offering.
Personal Lines Services:
Please note that for any Personal Lines inspection, we can provide an optional pre-notification postcard to your insured informing them of the inspection and briefly describing what to expect. This has proven to be extremely helpful in gaining the trust and cooperation of the insured upon arrival to the property.
High Value Dwelling
This is a full interior/exterior inspection. It requires an appointment with the insured to view the interior. It includes the following:
- photos of the dwelling (interior photos of kitchen, baths, electrical and heating services, and special features. Exterior photos of dwelling, significant outbuildings, and any hazardous exposures.)
- attributes of the dwelling (age, # stories, square footage, construction materials, condition)
- fire protection
- liability exposures
- computer generated sketch of dwelling
- estimated replacement cost computation
- written narrative describing the premises
Dwelling Observations and Values
This is one of our most popular reports. It is an exterior inspection and does not require an appointment. This report includes and covers the following:
- photos of the dwelling exterior
- attributes of the dwelling (age, # stories, square footage, construction materials, condition)
- fire protection
- liability exposures
- computer generated sketch of dwelling
- estimated replacement cost computation
Dwelling Observations Only
This is also an exterior inspection that does not require an appointment. This report includes and covers the following:
- photos of the dwelling exterior
- conditions of the dwelling
- fire protection
- liability exposures
The only difference between this report and the Dwelling Observations and Values is that this one does NOT include a sketch or replacement cost computation.
Photo Only Report
This report will provide photos of the dwelling exterior and does not require an appointment. Additional photos will be taken to capture any hazardous conditions, or significant outbuildings.
Mobile Home Report
This is exactly like the Dwelling Observation and Values (shown above) but is geared toward a Mobile/Manufactured home. It includes:
- photos of the dwelling
- attributes of the dwelling (age, # stories, square footage, construction materials, condition)
- fire protection
- liability exposures
- computer generated sketch of dwelling
- estimated replacement cost computation based on Mobile/Manufactured home materials.
In addition, we offer the following supplements that can be ordered with any of the reports above:
Electrical & Heating Rider
This supplement/report covers inspection of building services and requires an interview. Among other things, it covers:
- electrical -- including cords, fuses, breakers, knob & tube wiring, aluminum wiring, and alterations
- heating -- form, service, location, condition, fuel storage, chimney construction, alterations
- wiring and fuse panel -- amps, accessibility, potential hazards
- plumbing -- pipe material
- comments and photographs.
Wood Stove Rider
This supplement/report requires an interior inspection and interview. The report addresses and includes:
- type stove
- installation facts -- including date installed and by whom
- clearances -- location, base, diameter of thimble/connector
- chimney/hearth -- construction, age, maintenance
- comments and photos.
Canine Rider
This supplement/report requires an interview with the insured, or a qualified designated individual party. It addresses and/or includes:
- breed, sex, weight, and age of animal
- restraint methods
- location of doghouse/kennel/run
- dog training
- past, pending, existing claims against the dog
- character of dog-aggressive, friendly, protective
- other animals on premises
- comments and photo
Commercial Lines Services:
Supplements to Commercial Reports are as follows:
Commercial Replacement Cost Supplement
Commercial Cooking Supplement
Liquor Liability Supplement
Owners, Landlords, & Tenants
This report is directed at the ownership, maintenance, and use of a commercial structure as well as all operations related to same. Data on the business operations, detailed fire protection, general maintenance, as well as liability and hazards is collected. This report includes a diagram and photos. A commercial Replacement Cost Supplement can be added to this report as an option.
Business Owners Policy
This report is designed for the small business and/or the owner occupied commercial and mercantile establishment. The inspection covers all phases of fire, theft, and liability, as well as both public and private fire and security protection. A detailed description of the day to day business activity is provided for all occupants. Any hazards or sub-standard situations are identified. The report includes a diagram showing exposures and dimensions, as well as photos of the establishment. As an option, a Commercial Replacement Cost Supplement may be added to the BOP if needed.
Commercial Fire (Short Form)
This report is often requested for the smaller commercial/mercantile risks in which the underwriter requires only a brief description of the risk. This report emphasizes construction, condition, and occupancy of the structure. This report includes photos, a diagram and replacement cost details.
Premises Liability Report
This report is designed to cover all physical aspects of the risk, including condition and protection (public and private), with particular emphasis placed on fire, theft, and liability hazards and conditions. This report can be used for mercantile or habitation occupancy. This includes inspection of electrical and heating systems. Photos and diagram are included. As an option, a replacement cost supplement may be added.
Restaurant Fire Inspection
The restaurant fire inspection report is a detailed inspection which addresses specific features of a restaurant with a concentration on product liability, cooking appliances, and appliance protection and cleaning.
Mobile Home Park Report
This inspection includes an interview with the owner or park manager. A description of the park is provided, along with diagram of the overall layout. When available, a copy of park rules and bylaws are included. Common areas such as a recreation facility are photographed and described. Data on occupancy, fire protection, and exposures is included.
Manufacturer’s & Contractors Telephone Surveys
This is a telephone survey to gather information on the type of business, exposure to hazardous activity, and to confirm status of employees and subcontractors.